
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Five Most Common Errors Made When Creating a Mockup

  After you figure out what you want your app to do and who you want it to be for, the next step is getting a rough idea of how it will look and work. For this, you make a mockup, a black and white outline for all of the screens in your app, with all of the buttons and as much of the text as possible. Final mockups should be done by a professional, but you can get off to good start with the template in this article. It will help you understand how your app translates from an idea formulated in words, to an idea formulated in screens on a smartphone. You will get to see  how your app looks  in the screen-to-screen layout in which it will actually be presented. You might see things that look great and decide to add some more of them, or you might see that there is not enough room on the screen to add in all of the buttons and features you want. A mockup is a great tool for critically evaluating your own idea. You may find that your idea is not actually feasible. Sometimes the only way to